Sai Baba: Speed Demon

On the occasion of Mahashivarathri, Bhagawan felicitated five long-standing devotees for their invaluable contribution and dedicated service in Bhagawan's institutions and service projects, and gifted them each with a new car. The fortunate ones were -
Sri A.Ramakrishna, Former Vice-President of L&T, ECC Division. During his tenure, the reputed construction company executed a number of projects on behalf of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, most significantly, the water supply projects in the drought prone districts of Anantapur, Medak and Mahabubnagar in Andhra Pradesh and the metropolitan city of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, as well as the two Super Speciality Hospitals.
Sri R.Kondala Rao, Technical consultant to the Government of Andhra Pradesh, for the water supply projects undertaken by Bhagawan.
Sri K.Chakravarthi, IAS (Retd.) who was the first Registrar of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, and is presently the Secretary of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust.
Prof. G.Venkataraman, a renowned scientist and former Vice-Chancellor of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. Presently, he is the Vice-Chairman of the overseas wing of Sri Sathya Sai Organisation, and also the in-charge of Radio Sai Global Harmony, the ashram radio service.
Sri K.R.Paramahamsa, IAS (Retd.), who has held various positions in Bhagawan's institutions and who is presently in charge of the 'Deena Janoddharana Pathakamu', the home for destitute children established by Bhagawan.
K. Chakravarthi is the same ashram secretary who rudely hung up the phone on Mick Brown, Daily Telegraph journalist, for making simple enquiries and asking for comments on the allegations of sexual abuse. According to the 'Divine Downfall' article, which was published by the Daily Telegraph, Brown notes the following:
"..Sai Baba has said nothing publicly about the allegations laid against him. When the Telegraph Magazine contacted K Chakravarthi, secretary of the Puttaparthi ashram, he said, 'We have no time for these matters. I have nothing to say' and terminated the call."
Such a conscientious man. And according to private sources, Chakravarthi also treated the BBC film crew in a similar manner. At the outset Chakravarthi was cordial towards the producer and even took him on a guided tour of the Super Speciality Hospital and other buildings. The minute the allegations were raised all bets were off and the BBC were practically thrown out of the ashram.
"..Sai Baba has said nothing publicly about the allegations laid against him. When the Telegraph Magazine contacted K Chakravarthi, secretary of the Puttaparthi ashram, he said, 'We have no time for these matters. I have nothing to say' and terminated the call."
Such a conscientious man. And according to private sources, Chakravarthi also treated the BBC film crew in a similar manner. At the outset Chakravarthi was cordial towards the producer and even took him on a guided tour of the Super Speciality Hospital and other buildings. The minute the allegations were raised all bets were off and the BBC were practically thrown out of the ashram.
For this wonderful and upstanding behaviour, he is rewarded with a car.
G. Venkataraman is no better either. This is a person who, in the interests of damage control, downplayed and blatantly denied reports leaking from Sai Baba's ashram by devotees relating to Sai Baba's ill health, which caused him to change the schedule of his public appearances and also having his movements restricted to being driven around in a golf cart.
This is a person who penned an editorial that complained when letters are written to the (London) Times complaining about two articles they published. On top of that, in the same editorial he mocked Al and Alaya Rahm (who was brutally abused and raped by Sai Baba) for having their backs to the camera in the SEDUCED documentary! As if that wasn't enough, he then proceeded to give his own biased take on the UNESCO affair.
After all, Sai Baba is simply felicitating them for their "invaluable contribution and dedicated service in Bhagawan's institutions and service projects".
Such are the rascals and scoundrels who indulge in dastardly endeavours underneath the sneering veneer of puffed-up self-righteousness and piety.

This is a person who penned an editorial that complained when letters are written to the (London) Times complaining about two articles they published. On top of that, in the same editorial he mocked Al and Alaya Rahm (who was brutally abused and raped by Sai Baba) for having their backs to the camera in the SEDUCED documentary! As if that wasn't enough, he then proceeded to give his own biased take on the UNESCO affair.
Naturally, he is rewarded with a new car.
After all, Sai Baba is simply felicitating them for their "invaluable contribution and dedicated service in Bhagawan's institutions and service projects".
Such are the rascals and scoundrels who indulge in dastardly endeavours underneath the sneering veneer of puffed-up self-righteousness and piety.

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Very interesting. Mr. Chakravati was officially sacked from his position (in the civil service, IAS) for embezzlement of large funds. He was taken on by the Baba to manage the first water project, which went all wrong from day one (breakdown of pumping station) to finish (now all under AP state mismanagement). Wonder how much he drained off there, before he got the job of head of ashram and all the opportunities that opens up.
Anonymous, at 02 March, 2006 23:08
well...isn't amazing? even escapes Bhagavan's attention that...its always the poeople,who get cars, who actually have one already?...
btw...if any SB's deovtee want to ruin my life...they can get my personel info at am ready to take on the challenge!
Anonymous, at 05 March, 2006 04:13
Wonder why he did not "materialize" any cars. Maybe his powers are restricted to tiny, fake trinkets.
Anonymous, at 12 February, 2007 12:44
oprah give cars away to, and houses for the victims of the urricane, and have a schooland pay for several children inn Africa? she claims not be a saint.
Whenn i see sai Baba i see draknees a deep darkness.He makes me afraid. I am happy be alway a christian
Anonymous, at 28 August, 2007 06:09
@ Margaretha
"Happy to be always a Christian" ... Wow. I usually steer away from christianity because of just this kind of messianic depravity. The tv channels are full of preachers asking for your money for gods rewards. Not to mention all the cults...
A good post. I especially like the comment on how he gives cars to people who have cars.
Anonymous, at 16 August, 2009 01:41
WOW, People are dumb and dumber. That guys if he is the Messiah he claims, should be able to reverse human ageing and be youthful, rught? Religion is the opium of the masses...smoke on..dumbasses.... I dont blame Sai baba, if idiots are stupid enough to fall for magic and tricks then they deserve to be fooled by an ordinary conman like Sai baba
Anonymous, at 20 May, 2010 22:47
This is hinduism, no one will understand him except if u know hindusim well. I am proud to be a hindu, as we dont force anyone to believe in our religion.
Anonymous, at 13 September, 2010 04:21
To all those crazy souls.. Stop finding faults.. To all those crazy Christians.. shut your *** and mind your business.. you have no rights to talk about Hinduism or saibaba..
Anonymous, at 25 November, 2010 11:20
i'm a Hindu, what is difficult to understand in that? A fraudster who makes you believe that he can spontaneously create man made objects? You are simply a kido that doesn't want to believe that Santa does not exist. Stop closing yourself and face the truth, argue if you can if not then just shut up your stupid mouth
Anonymous, at 25 April, 2011 11:54
I used to worship this demon without knowing that he is an antichrist. Jesus is the only god that had saved my life from going to the pit. I am so proud of myself to be born again Christian. Worshiping this demon named Sai Baba made my life so miserable and a living hell. "SB" is a liar, deceiver, and is good in manipulating people. I believe that jesus is the only god who died for our sins. Infact, jesus had said himself that "I am the way and the truth and the life. "No one comes to the Father except through me". Since i have become a christian i have given my life my soul and have fully surrendered mylife to Jesus. Do REMEMBER: It was clearly mentioned in the bible that for false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible. Sid roth is a great site to watch if you're unbeliever I used to worship this demon without knowing that he is an antichrist. Jesus is the only god that had saved my life from going to the pit. I am so proud of myself to be born again Christian. Worshiping this demon named Sai Baba made my life so miserable and a living hell. "SB" is a liar, deceiver, and is good in manipulating people. I believe that jesus is the only god who died for our sins. Infact, jesus had said himself that "I am the way and the truth and the life. "No one comes to the Father except through me". Since i have become a christian i have given my life my soul and have fully surrendered mylife to Jesus. Do REMEMBER: It was clearly mentioned in the bible that for false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible. Take a look at the links below. It teaches a lot about Christ and many have experienced miracles. Copy and paste the links below:
Anonymous, at 01 May, 2011 05:03
I just would like to contradict everything that has been said on Baba.
If you don't believe that Baba is god, then you don't have the right to say that he is a demon.
For me Baba is god, because he helped in leading a pretty good and self-respectful life. I never used to attend kirtan or go to mandir. Today, with his grace, i sing, taking the name of all gods and goddesses, including Allah, Jesus and all others. Baba taught me that all religions are one. Why do you think he materialised things..for all stupid people to backbite about it. And for those who don't believe in him, start believing in him. Why should he materialise a car??For idiots to believe in him??If you want to believe in Sai Baba, your heart should be clean and pure. Place him in your heart and experience the miracle. It is your heart that will be materialised. Sorry if i have hurt somebody in this message.Thx
Anonymous, at 23 August, 2011 08:24
Please update this blog!!
Anonymous, at 26 August, 2011 07:31
To the Hindus here, can you please tell me where in our vedic scriptures does it tell of the coming of Sai baba? I have studied most of the texts and there is only one avatar that will possess all the qualities of God who is yet to be born, which is Lord Kalki.
Yes this man quotes Scriptures, Which we all have access to. All his teachings are excepts from Bhagavat gita and the teachings of Christ or Lord Ram and Shiva.
Any human being can create tricks and quote scripture and then lie and say he is god! Wake up! Kaliyuga is 432 000 years! 5000 years which have passed since Sri Krishna left this material world. The Golden age has not begun and before you start bad mouthing Christians you should read your own scriptures before believing false claims by Magicians.
Yes God has given him great power and charm which he could have used as a great teacher. But rather his inflated ego has made him tell the world he is God.
The quote of God being all knowing omnipotent is from Srimad Bhagavatam as God is quoted to be All knowing all attractive and omnipotent. God is ageless and has immense power. God is a carer, and destroyer. Lord Krishna displayed immense strength and miracles. At the age of 94 he still looked like a youth of 26.
Sai Baba does not possess any such qualities!
he has not shown us any evidence of being in more then one place at a time.
Lord Krishna could be in thousands of places at one time even when he was at the battle of kurukshetra as he recited the Bhagavat gita to Arjuna he was at home with his wives.
Sai baba is nothing but a a liar!
If he was god on earth, why not change the world?
Unfortunately God passed away!
Anonymous, at 24 November, 2011 12:12
well this goes to my hindu brother, why dont you ask a christian person why doesnt his god come & cure the world. we can preach & say god will come after every 1000 years, when it came to the year 2000 some people sold their houses thinking god will come but was surprised that it was just another day.this is the KALIYUG, we are so materialistic we will not see god even if he appeared to you,if you read the bible & see how JESUS was crucified, even after saying that he was the son of god,did people believe in what he said,NO. ONLY YOU CAN EXPEREINCE SPIRITUALITY, it is not some which you can see or taste then talk of it, you can talk but who will believe your experience. this goes to the author ASURA. LET PEOPLE READ WHAT I HAVE TO SAY. IF YOU DONT THEN YOU ARE THE DEVIL IN HUMAN FORM.
Anonymous, at 19 April, 2012 19:25
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