Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Brainwashing
I have recently started reading 'Brainwashing - The Science of Thought Control' by Kathleen Taylor, in the hope that I might gain some insights into the mechanics of a brainwashed mind. In the first chapter there is an excellent outline of the main features of control following a model outlined by Robert Lifton, who identifies eight psychological themes characteristic of thought reform that, even though describing the processes undertaken by totalitarian governments, work quite well in describing the mentality of Sai devotees (or indeed any type of cult member) in my opinion. Here follows the eight themes along with a brief description:
And to think that all of this refers to governmental procedures, given that I haven't even reached the section on cult groupthink! In any case, here's my breakdown of how Sai Baba and/or his organisation fits very well into the criteria of Lifton's brainwashing model:
Milieu Control - Sai devotees are constantly urged to be a perfect conduit for the Baba's teachings, the stress on which invariably lies in acting in accordance with the Baba's wishes on just about every mundane subject. How one walks, talks, eats, sleeps, sits, dress themselves and much more are all to be done in line with "Swami's teachings". Devotees are also urged to indulge in constant self-enquiry, to watch the flow of their thoughts at all times, and even to engage in ceaseless meditation on his form and repetition of his name! Watching television and films is out of the question, reading newspapers is discouraged and Internet use is shunned.
Mystical Manipulation - It is open knowledge that devotees view every ocurrence - every tiny and mundane event - as being carried out through "Swami's will". Although the beliefs in karma and such are part of the wider Hindu tradition, the vast difference lies in the premise that Sai Baba himself is the adjudicator of cosmic fortune and that everything lies in his hands. On the flipside, the Sai Organisation's programs and activities are also viewed as being in line with the Baba's wishes and so it follows that everything that is done by the Organisation has the Baba's direct approval.
Demand for Purity - This is closely connected to milieu control in that whereas lip-service is given to deepning and improving relationships with friends and family, a strong undercurrent of impersonalism lies within Sai Baba's teachings that proclaims the virtues of vairagya (detachment) and maya (illusion). These twin concepts serve to illustrate the importance of reducing attachments to friends and family and go as far to treat them as illusory! There are also hidden traces of apocalyptic thinking that is intimately connected with Sai Baba's plans for global dominion and international acknowledgement of him as God incarnate; the Biblical allegory of the separation of the wheat from the chaff is frequently used by devotees to explain the defection of former members. Devotees are also urged by leaders and their compatriots not to read the critical writings of former members - comparing it to faeces on the ground - in a desperate effort to protect their "flock" from being led "astray".
The Cult of Confession - Since devotees are encouraged to behave in an admirable manner (according to the Baba's teachings) in all the different aspects of their daily lives, they must similarly watch for any lapses of behavious and be fully conscious the same. An example of this is the famous 'WATCH' language-loading (see below): WATCH your Words, Actions, Thoughts, Character, Heart. Constant contemplation along these lines contributes to an overwhelming sense of anxiety and paranoia, not to mention that any lapses must be dealt with as soon as they occur by 'confessing' the lapse through contrite repentance, prayer and other means.
Sacred Science - Put simply, Sai Baba confirms the existence of alien lifeforms and UFOs as well as many other queer beliefs in angels, demons, ghosts, spirits and all sorts of mythical disembodied entities. His views on cosmology also leave a lot to be desired; asserting that the sun is full of holes and the small matter of his being the lord of all creation, having created it all in the first place! Careless comments on issues belonging to the realm of physics and chemistry also tend to do him no favours. However, his devotees closely follow his ideas on these lines and doggedly defend his astrological and unscientific pronouncements to the death. It also goes without saying that those who attempt to critically analyse the Baba's views on various scientific issues are treated with contempt and disdain even when reference is made to unarguable scientific resources of information. Working on the logic of Sai Baba's being a divinity of sorts, his pronouncements on this or that scientific issue become infallible and stand true for all time.
Loading The Language - Sai Baba is very fond of compressing his ideas into memorable phrases, a few cases in point being 'Love All-Serve All', 'Help Ever-Hurt Never', 'Diamond = Die-Mind', and so on and on. Whereas the first two examples bespeak of an altruistic nature, the third represents an incongruity with the Vedantic philosophy Sai Baba claims to uphold. Combined with the unshakeable conviction in the Baba's divinity and it's connective implication that his proclamations are the 'final word' in philosophical matters, this effectively shuts down the critical and independent thinking of devotees who would balk at the thought that their leader's "infallible" declarations merit considerable opposition. Indeed it can be seen how the majority of online devotional activity among devotees consist of extremely little spiritual discussion, which in turn contributes to a false impression that the majority of devotees are wholly conversant with the full body of Sai Baba's teachings and therefore no need for in-depth theological discussions arise, or the fact that they are almost wholly ignorant of the Vedantic basis (or lack thereof) of their leaders's teachings.
Primacy of Doctrine over Person: Whether they admit it or not, Sai devotees are all convinced that this world and everything in it is unreal. Consequently everything that they do for themselves and in interaction with other people is just as in a dream. Not only is this an extremely dangerous and cultish point of view, but just think what repercussions could be effected by a sycophant who takes Sai Baba a little too seriously than expected! It is virtually impossible to even contemplate the disastrous ramifications of such a disturbing doctrine. Interactions with other people, meaningful as they can be, are reduced to a level that is beneath impersonality. At the other end of the spectrum, devotees are frequently urged to "see" Sai Baba in whomever they meet and to conduct themselves as if they were communicating directly with the Baba. This we have a constructed reality that contains mutually contradictory polarisations that all serve to create a serious confusion in the sincere mind of a devotee; on one hand he is forced to act and interact impersonally as if in a dream, and on the other hand he is enjoined to interact with people (in an apparently "real" world!) as if they were living expansions of Sai Baba himself. Primacy of these two broad doctrines serve to prove that these dogmas are far more 'real' than the experience of an average human being.
Dispensing of Existence - As with milieu control, mystical manipulation and the desire for purity, Sai Baba and his organisation seek to control the quality of life for it's members. As well as telling them how to sleep, eat, pray and so on, devotees are expected to adhere strictly to the 9-Point Code of Conduct. Aside from this obvious domination, the more frightening aspects relating to the dispensing of existence relates to Sai Baba's controversial opinions about the fates of those who do not believe in him as the divine incarnate. In the early 1990's he is reported to have said that a world war would be raging by 1999 and that only the Sai Organisation was capable of giving shelter, which is evidence of millenarianism. Before that, in the 1970s, he is said to have made numerous apocalyptic statements that greatly frightened the devotees. He has since denied making the statements. Along the lines of demanding purity, there again exists a dichotomy with regards to the fate of those outside the cult.
Devotees are faced with statements from the Baba affirming that the world population will eventually become his devotees, and on the other hand the Baba has made statements effectively agreeing with the Biblical seperation of wheat and chaff. In any case - the sole advantage being the Baba's alleged divinity - this in itself is the single and convincing factor that all other paths are wrong and that following them leads to doom, despite the existence of an "all-inclusive" message in his teachings which is nothing but hypocritical and contradictory when you think about it. It is seen as an irony for Sai Baba to have formed an exclusive path while riding on the back of a mutually-inclusive doctrine; whereas world religions and their precepts are granted token respect, people really look to Sai Baba and his message as the essence of all religions. The proper following of those other paths, then, is largely seen as redundant given that the "goal of all religions" is personally present to correct any alleged misconceptions that may arise.
Looks like Robert Lifton was onto a good thing; not only did he complete the remarkable achievement of providing a structural and systematic framework to show how brainwashing occurs but he also provided us with many insights into the workings of the human mind. It is sufficient to say that the mind-numbing irony of this article is to show how Sai Baba and his organisation are subject to the same scrutiny, subjectivity and general suspicion as every other sect.
- Milieu control - Control of an individual's communication with the external world, hence his or her perceptions of reality. Attempting to dominate not only the communications with the outside world (all that he sees, hears, reads, writes, experiences, expresses) but also - in it's penetration of his inner life - over what we may speak of as his communication with himself.
- Mystical manipulation - Evocation of certain patterns of behaviour and emotion in such a way that they appear to be spontaneous. Often refers to higher purposes and supernatural authorities such as fate, the hand of history, or God, or being chosen, or to the divine or semi-divine status of the controlling organization as representative of a supreme authority.
- The demand for purity - The belief that elements outside the chosen group should be eliminated to prevent them contaminating the minds of group members. Follows from the binary oppositions inherent in totalist thought: Party/Non-party; Communist/imperialist; person/non-person; good/evil. Just as in George Orwell's Animal Farm the slogan of 'four legs good, two legs bad' becomes the animals' guiding 'essential principle', so in other ideologies the stereotypical dualism of good and evil leads to the poisonous (and unrealistic) demand that elements outside the chosen realm should be eliminated lest they contaminate the saved.
- The cult of confession - The use of and insistence of confession to minimize individual privacy. Rejects privacy in favour of glorifying confession as an end in itself, used to exploit and control rather than to console.
- Sacred science - Viewing the ideology's basic dogmas as both morally unchallengeable and scientifically exact, thus increasing their apparent authority. Like mystical manipulation this involves a moral/spiritual mystique that is applied to the ideology's basic tenets; the very act of challenging them can render the challenger as a 'non-person'. Scientific exactness provides the conclusion of 'an ultimate moral vision becoming and ultimate science'.
- Loading the language - Compressing complex ideas into brief, definitive-sounding phrases, 'thought-terminating clichés'. A mind-numbing process by which 'the most far-reaching and complex of human problems are compressed into brief, highly reductive, definitive phrases, easily memorized and easily expressed', whose aim is to shut down independent thinking. The 'thought-terminating clichés' imply group unity and the Party's control over language and, ultimately, thought.
- The primacy of doctrine over person - The idea that a dogma is more true and more real than anything experienced by an individual human being. A noted characteristic of totalitarian regimes.
- The dispensing of existence - The right to control the quality of life and eventual fate of both group members and non-members, and granted to the Party, it believes, to determine the fates not only of its adherents but also of the people beyond its sphere. This right follows from the Party's belief that there is only one path to truth ... that it alone knows that path, and that false paths must be eliminated.
And to think that all of this refers to governmental procedures, given that I haven't even reached the section on cult groupthink! In any case, here's my breakdown of how Sai Baba and/or his organisation fits very well into the criteria of Lifton's brainwashing model:
Milieu Control - Sai devotees are constantly urged to be a perfect conduit for the Baba's teachings, the stress on which invariably lies in acting in accordance with the Baba's wishes on just about every mundane subject. How one walks, talks, eats, sleeps, sits, dress themselves and much more are all to be done in line with "Swami's teachings". Devotees are also urged to indulge in constant self-enquiry, to watch the flow of their thoughts at all times, and even to engage in ceaseless meditation on his form and repetition of his name! Watching television and films is out of the question, reading newspapers is discouraged and Internet use is shunned.
Mystical Manipulation - It is open knowledge that devotees view every ocurrence - every tiny and mundane event - as being carried out through "Swami's will". Although the beliefs in karma and such are part of the wider Hindu tradition, the vast difference lies in the premise that Sai Baba himself is the adjudicator of cosmic fortune and that everything lies in his hands. On the flipside, the Sai Organisation's programs and activities are also viewed as being in line with the Baba's wishes and so it follows that everything that is done by the Organisation has the Baba's direct approval.
Demand for Purity - This is closely connected to milieu control in that whereas lip-service is given to deepning and improving relationships with friends and family, a strong undercurrent of impersonalism lies within Sai Baba's teachings that proclaims the virtues of vairagya (detachment) and maya (illusion). These twin concepts serve to illustrate the importance of reducing attachments to friends and family and go as far to treat them as illusory! There are also hidden traces of apocalyptic thinking that is intimately connected with Sai Baba's plans for global dominion and international acknowledgement of him as God incarnate; the Biblical allegory of the separation of the wheat from the chaff is frequently used by devotees to explain the defection of former members. Devotees are also urged by leaders and their compatriots not to read the critical writings of former members - comparing it to faeces on the ground - in a desperate effort to protect their "flock" from being led "astray".
The Cult of Confession - Since devotees are encouraged to behave in an admirable manner (according to the Baba's teachings) in all the different aspects of their daily lives, they must similarly watch for any lapses of behavious and be fully conscious the same. An example of this is the famous 'WATCH' language-loading (see below): WATCH your Words, Actions, Thoughts, Character, Heart. Constant contemplation along these lines contributes to an overwhelming sense of anxiety and paranoia, not to mention that any lapses must be dealt with as soon as they occur by 'confessing' the lapse through contrite repentance, prayer and other means.
Sacred Science - Put simply, Sai Baba confirms the existence of alien lifeforms and UFOs as well as many other queer beliefs in angels, demons, ghosts, spirits and all sorts of mythical disembodied entities. His views on cosmology also leave a lot to be desired; asserting that the sun is full of holes and the small matter of his being the lord of all creation, having created it all in the first place! Careless comments on issues belonging to the realm of physics and chemistry also tend to do him no favours. However, his devotees closely follow his ideas on these lines and doggedly defend his astrological and unscientific pronouncements to the death. It also goes without saying that those who attempt to critically analyse the Baba's views on various scientific issues are treated with contempt and disdain even when reference is made to unarguable scientific resources of information. Working on the logic of Sai Baba's being a divinity of sorts, his pronouncements on this or that scientific issue become infallible and stand true for all time.
Loading The Language - Sai Baba is very fond of compressing his ideas into memorable phrases, a few cases in point being 'Love All-Serve All', 'Help Ever-Hurt Never', 'Diamond = Die-Mind', and so on and on. Whereas the first two examples bespeak of an altruistic nature, the third represents an incongruity with the Vedantic philosophy Sai Baba claims to uphold. Combined with the unshakeable conviction in the Baba's divinity and it's connective implication that his proclamations are the 'final word' in philosophical matters, this effectively shuts down the critical and independent thinking of devotees who would balk at the thought that their leader's "infallible" declarations merit considerable opposition. Indeed it can be seen how the majority of online devotional activity among devotees consist of extremely little spiritual discussion, which in turn contributes to a false impression that the majority of devotees are wholly conversant with the full body of Sai Baba's teachings and therefore no need for in-depth theological discussions arise, or the fact that they are almost wholly ignorant of the Vedantic basis (or lack thereof) of their leaders's teachings.
Primacy of Doctrine over Person: Whether they admit it or not, Sai devotees are all convinced that this world and everything in it is unreal. Consequently everything that they do for themselves and in interaction with other people is just as in a dream. Not only is this an extremely dangerous and cultish point of view, but just think what repercussions could be effected by a sycophant who takes Sai Baba a little too seriously than expected! It is virtually impossible to even contemplate the disastrous ramifications of such a disturbing doctrine. Interactions with other people, meaningful as they can be, are reduced to a level that is beneath impersonality. At the other end of the spectrum, devotees are frequently urged to "see" Sai Baba in whomever they meet and to conduct themselves as if they were communicating directly with the Baba. This we have a constructed reality that contains mutually contradictory polarisations that all serve to create a serious confusion in the sincere mind of a devotee; on one hand he is forced to act and interact impersonally as if in a dream, and on the other hand he is enjoined to interact with people (in an apparently "real" world!) as if they were living expansions of Sai Baba himself. Primacy of these two broad doctrines serve to prove that these dogmas are far more 'real' than the experience of an average human being.
Dispensing of Existence - As with milieu control, mystical manipulation and the desire for purity, Sai Baba and his organisation seek to control the quality of life for it's members. As well as telling them how to sleep, eat, pray and so on, devotees are expected to adhere strictly to the 9-Point Code of Conduct. Aside from this obvious domination, the more frightening aspects relating to the dispensing of existence relates to Sai Baba's controversial opinions about the fates of those who do not believe in him as the divine incarnate. In the early 1990's he is reported to have said that a world war would be raging by 1999 and that only the Sai Organisation was capable of giving shelter, which is evidence of millenarianism. Before that, in the 1970s, he is said to have made numerous apocalyptic statements that greatly frightened the devotees. He has since denied making the statements. Along the lines of demanding purity, there again exists a dichotomy with regards to the fate of those outside the cult.
Devotees are faced with statements from the Baba affirming that the world population will eventually become his devotees, and on the other hand the Baba has made statements effectively agreeing with the Biblical seperation of wheat and chaff. In any case - the sole advantage being the Baba's alleged divinity - this in itself is the single and convincing factor that all other paths are wrong and that following them leads to doom, despite the existence of an "all-inclusive" message in his teachings which is nothing but hypocritical and contradictory when you think about it. It is seen as an irony for Sai Baba to have formed an exclusive path while riding on the back of a mutually-inclusive doctrine; whereas world religions and their precepts are granted token respect, people really look to Sai Baba and his message as the essence of all religions. The proper following of those other paths, then, is largely seen as redundant given that the "goal of all religions" is personally present to correct any alleged misconceptions that may arise.
Looks like Robert Lifton was onto a good thing; not only did he complete the remarkable achievement of providing a structural and systematic framework to show how brainwashing occurs but he also provided us with many insights into the workings of the human mind. It is sufficient to say that the mind-numbing irony of this article is to show how Sai Baba and his organisation are subject to the same scrutiny, subjectivity and general suspicion as every other sect.
Copyright © Sai Baba EXPOSED! 2005-2007. Discuss this post!
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You are a fool. Please keep your limited ignorance to yourself.
Anonymous, at 29 September, 2006 23:18
So you like war, greed, and all the other evils. Clearly you have a problem with everything good. I wonder if you are trying to hide something
Anonymous, at 25 October, 2006 18:58
What am I trying to hide? I do not like war, greed and "other evils".
I have a problem with only one evil; Sathya Sai Baba. I'm surprised that you have no comment to make about how he and his organisation fits within an acknowledged model of brainwashing, with all of the facts that nobody else will tell you.
Nope, I'm not hiding anything at all. Sathya Sai Baba has plenty to hide.
Swami Saiexposedananda, at 26 October, 2006 01:59
you sem to be well educated as a person... why do you waste valuable time critizing swami? ahahaah EVIL ahaha thats sooo funny.. cuz EVIL to me doesn't bring about Swamiz face. EVIL is bad teachings, brainwashing and abuse.. alll of which Sai baba ISNT! his glorious teachings is something we can learn from.. basic character education to survive and respect fellow beings. THats what he's about. Not to convert more and more people.
Anonymous, at 01 November, 2006 18:55
Dear Loveallserveall,
Criticism of Sathya Sai Baba is made by former devotees (not bystander critics) who have good reason to speak out against him. You mention bad teachings, brainwashing and abuse as qualities of a bad master presumable. This particular article produced just a few choice examples of how Sai devotees are brainwashed, even according to the 'scientific' model of Robert Lifton.
It is also one of my contentions that Sai Baba's "spiritual" teachings are theologically and philosophically incorrect. Far from his claim to represent the totality of Vedic knowledge (and to disseminate the same), it is easily seen that his teachings do not represent Sanathana-dharma, primarily because his views are biased and sectarian. Specifically, he is a proponent of the Advaita philosophy when Advaita itself is not representative of the totality of Vedic thought. Hence he is wrong by default. And that's just putting it simply.
Regarding abuse, abuse can be performed on various levels. Sexual, emotional, physical, verbal, Sai Baba is guily of all types of them. Speaking as a former follower of 10 years, I know what I'm talking about. Sai devotees are just going to have to accept the fact that not everybody is enamoured with their guru in quite the same way that they are.
Swami Saiexposedananda, at 03 November, 2006 03:23
Wow! What a great article! Thank you so much HH. :-)
Anonymous, at 13 November, 2006 06:12
Not a problem, thanks for the compliment. :)
Swami Saiexposedananda, at 17 November, 2006 05:20
how is this sai baba able to do things like produce that egg-like gold thing and vibutim? I have someone really close to me that was a hard core member for over ten years. now she's getting over it but once in a while she attends bahjan.are u a christian now?
Anonymous, at 23 November, 2006 00:33
For explanations about vibhuti and lingam manifestations, one should look at the 'movies' section of ExBaba.Com. All the proof is explained there, how Sai Baba has vibhuti tablets and just switches them to his hand by sleight-of-hand. The lingams are either regurgitated as per a common magician's trick, and sometimes he just pretends to take it out as per Shivarathri 2004. Please see movies section of Exbaba.
I am not a Christian. I was born a Hindu and remain a Hindu. I was Sai Baba's devotee for 10 years. Hope that answers your questions. :-)
Swami Saiexposedananda, at 26 November, 2006 03:47
HH may your tribe grow and expose this C*** S****** pedophile! Keep up the good work. BTW, are any legal actions in the realms or possibility? How long will this pervert traumatize little children and others?
Anonymous, at 12 February, 2007 12:23
Thanks, Anon. As far as I know there are no current legal actions pending after the Alaya Rahm case but there should be some stuff coming up.
Swami Saiexposedananda, at 12 February, 2007 15:02
Excellent stuff, keep up the good work.
You might also like these books,
"The Manipulated Mind: Brainwashing, Conditioning and Indoctrination"
Battle for the Mind: A Physiology of Conversion and Brainwashing
Anonymous, at 25 June, 2007 22:24
hey swami saiexposedananda...has any religious leader been able to built a hospital in just 6 months in your country? baba has done it in andhra... most of the operations are being performed at NO COST.
the people here in india never complained or spoke against him.
baba never answered his critics because he never wanted to.i am not a believer in god.. but sai baba has been able to do good deeds which should be done by the government.
Anonymous, at 26 August, 2007 20:15
Good analysis and information. I was a devotee also for thirteen years and am now hurt and very disillusioned...Baba molested my friends...Some wish to believe it was not sexual...So why did he leave the women alone??? Another Swami who founded an ashram and orphanage and molested children in S. India and dressed like Sai Baba was put in prison!
Anonymous, at 01 November, 2007 04:55
Anon, please feel free to get in touch. My email address is found on my profile page.
Swami Saiexposedananda, at 02 November, 2007 17:56
bro u r jus a person i can think is trying to be jelous of sai baba fortune. u write that sai baba was all sex scandal but what proof do u have do u have a tape recorder or something. ok let it be u say the vibhooti n stuffs are fake comin from babas hand i knw a temple in fiji. i saw in the website that u sai rama n krishna is god. keep in mind so this means there is krishna janastami or ram nawmi. so when these festival goes over there after few days it get covered in chandan sandalwood paste. so back to your thinking if sai baba is not an avatar or some kind of sex scandal,lier or u trying to convert people to so how come those photos gets covered in chandan if sai baba was a fraud or a mere human being not only that theres water turn into amrit. to me i think u were never a devotee of sai baba. or either u couldnt get a interview whenever u make trip to india for so long time wasting your money thats why u got pissed off n decided to defame sai baba. u jus made this website to critisise sai baba. plus also sai babas photo in that temple is covered into ashes or vibhooti
Anonymous, at 11 December, 2007 18:35
bro its like the website its utter bullshit in todays time u can animate n do stuffs like u want to i was watching the ex baba website the sai baba producing lingam its like the person making the film or article used the first scene when baba tried to get the lingam out or vormit n then used the last scene to show baba never got anything out but has the lingam out already.
Anonymous, at 11 December, 2007 18:46
Anonymous, at 23 January, 2008 15:09
To all Embodiment of Divine Love
Dont waste your time by reading all this stuff
Even you read you will transform positive to negative
Devils wants to capture our mind
dont give improtance to this
It is only bahavan who will show thw pat of libaration
This world is filled with ignurance it is like cataract it requires surgery
T N Shankar
Anonymous, at 09 February, 2008 14:10
And screaming at people not to read critical articles is not a perfect instance of brainwashing? Your fanatical behaviour is actually the point of this whole article?
Oh, and thanks for posting your international phone number, moron. :-)
Swami Saiexposedananda, at 09 February, 2008 15:27
"My Lie is my message, Pervertion is my Life"
Anonymous, at 15 May, 2008 11:22
well,air & hunger cannot be seen and its only felt.Likewise,god is an experience.You have to experience swami.I have experienced him and nothing can change me.Kindly make a note that your website cannot change ones feeling and experience of swami.However,i pray god to give you positive and good thoughts, use you for the welfare of the people by involving you in constructive activity.
God bless you
Anonymous, at 23 July, 2009 11:50
Thanks Rajendra, but don't you find it odd that statements like "nothing can change me" to an entry on brainwashing go hand-in-hand with the point I was making?
Swami Saiexposedananda, at 24 July, 2009 17:00
Baba’s Stories as Beacon- Light
Light houses are constructed at various places in the sea, to enable the boatmen to avoid rocks and dangers, and make them sail safely. Sai Baba’s stories serve a similar purpose in the ocean of worldly existence. They surpass nectar in sweetness, and make our worldly path smooth and easy to traverse. Blessed are the stories of the saints. When they enter our hearts through the ears, the body - consciousness or egoism and the sense of duality vanish; and when they are stored in the heart, doubts fly out to all sides, pride of the body will fall, and wisdom will be stored in abundance.
---Sai Baba of Shirdi---
-Atheists need to realise that there is a force responsible for the beauty in life and this world- GOD.
Unknown, at 19 August, 2009 21:10
Dear HH and supporters of HH,
I know how people will waste their time and try to defame others.. i think you guys dont have any work than this.. if u have anything to prove come out prove abt Baba.. done try to blame anyone... rather doing like tis.. go out help the people, that will help you and your family..
I will pray god for all of you guys.. to give you good thoughts...
Anonymous, at 12 September, 2009 01:14
All advaita teachers are fraud ?
Anonymous, at 12 February, 2010 13:00
My dear friend you have taken lot of pain for creating this blog to tarnish the reputation of Sri Sathya Sai Baba & shaken the faith of his followers but what i observe is the opposite. What i observe is lot of postings are in favour of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Your blog is strengthning the faiths of his followers. THANKS A LOT.
G.Vijaya Narasimham, at 17 August, 2010 08:48
Hi Dear Rajendra,
You really changed your opinions since we talked long back. Miss you!!
Lovely, at 13 January, 2011 12:25
Sai Baba's teachings f*cked up my mother for over 26 years. She's deluded. He's the epitome of evil.
Anonymous, at 05 April, 2011 14:00
Keep up the good work dude, he is evil, no matter he built hospital or anything.
People are brain washed enough, as we see Nithyanandha have very good support from his devotees even after video proof released.
Yes, he built world class hospitals and treating many poor for free and yes his works made life easy for many people in waterless territories, but is that enough to make him god and do whatever he likes? in that case the Polio drops provided by Indian Government to kids are majorly funded by Bill Gates, do these people accept him as god?
Anonymous, at 29 April, 2011 09:19
I am no fan of Sai Baba. And i am irritated by people in my family and friend network who follow his cult. But this article makes a mockery out of me.
But you are going all over the places sticking labels on people.
So people like me who are interested in aliens and UFOs are 'in the same basket as Sai Babas cult'?
At least according to this article
Anonymous, at 28 May, 2011 16:49
This article came just in time today in my life to give me strength and believe in my own inner wisdom. Yes, for twenty long years i have been brain-washed and allowed it to happen, all in the name of love. But the inner knowing never stopped that something was terrible wrong. Direct promises of sai baba to my husband and me were on several occasions not kept. We waited for years always thinking that we have to improve further, that it is our fault,that his timing is different. We have lived a miserable life full of self-doubts thanks to this cult. We lost all our money in so called service projects and have nothing today to fall back to. we don't even have the money to leave Puttaparthi right now. But we are grateful for the experience, because we know how it feels to get stuck in a cult. Today we feel more strong and clear than we have ever felt in the last twenty years. Yes, we also spoke the ashram lingo, the brain numbing explanations and i am ashamed how far we got carried away. i say sorry to all the people i mislead,i say sorry to my family who got a raw and arrogant deal. Sorry, from the bottom of my heart. But one thing i always emphasized: that god is truly found in our hearts and all the strength comes from there. So in a way, today on baba's so called birthday, i say thank you for showing me how much i got influenced. I gave my heart into someones keeping when i should have kept it for myself only. Thanks god it is over and i am a stronger and wiser person today. By the way, the ashram and so called followers feel threatened by us just being truthful to our feelings. They cut us out, cook up mean stories and have even threatened us with dire consequences, if we dare to speak up. But i know that in the future i will tell the truth and free people of the illusion of this all inclusive club, which makes its followers afraid of living a full and gorgeous life. They really think they are the chosen ones, kept safe by baba. That was the biggest hurdle mentally to overcome. Its actually fear-based and very powerful. If you leave the sai fold or puttaparthi you will suffer and ultimately die. Which i am going to do anyway, someday. But better to live one year in the so called world than another twenty years in the so called abode of peace, prasanthi nilayam. This is our first hand experience and no one can take it away from us. So thanks again for this article, it helped us tremendously.
Anonymous, at 23 November, 2012 13:25
Anonymous said...
This article came just in time today in my life to give me strength and believe in my own inner wisdom. Yes, for twenty long years i have been brain-washed and allowed it to happen, all in the name of love. But the inner knowing never stopped that something was terrible wrong. Direct promises of sai baba to my husband and me were on several occasions not kept. We waited for years always thinking that we have to improve further, that it is our fault,that his timing is different. We have lived a miserable life full of self-doubts thanks to this cult. We lost all our money in so called service projects and have nothing today to fall back to. we don't even have the money to leave Puttaparthi right now. But we are grateful for the experience, because we know how it feels to get stuck in a cult. Today we feel more strong and clear than we have ever felt in the last twenty years. Yes, we also spoke the ashram lingo, the brain numbing explanations and i am ashamed how far we got carried away. i say sorry to all the people i mislead,i say sorry to my family who got a raw and arrogant deal. Sorry, from the bottom of my heart. But one thing i always emphasized: that god is truly found in our hearts and all the strength comes from there. So in a way, today on baba's so called birthday, i say thank you for showing me how much i got influenced. I gave my heart into someones keeping when i should have kept it for myself only. Thanks god it is over and i am a stronger and wiser person today. By the way, the ashram and so called followers feel threatened by us just being truthful to our feelings. They cut us out, cook up mean stories and have even threatened us with dire consequences, if we dare to speak up. But i know that in the future i will tell the truth and free people of the illusion of this all inclusive club, which makes its followers afraid of living a full and gorgeous life. They really think they are the chosen ones, kept safe by baba. That was the biggest hurdle mentally to overcome. Its actually fear-based and very powerful. If you leave the sai fold or puttaparthi you will suffer and ultimately die. Which i am going to do anyway, someday. But better to live one year in the so called world than another twenty years in the so called abode of peace, prasanthi nilayam. This is our first hand experience and no one can take it away from us. So thanks again for this article, it helped us tremendously.
23 November, 2012 13:21
followthewakeupcall, at 23 November, 2012 13:30
Hello Blog Author-I cant hold it anymore I first got sucked in the sai baba religion back in 2001 by this book called Bhagavatar by croatian publicist called VESNA KRMPOTIC ho is sai baba follower and I want to share everything I know about it FIRST main brainwashin tehnicqs is composed about slowley turning you into a mind altering zombie by giving you examples as one is by beliveing into that a world is but a dream BUT YOU DONT KNOW that that kind of thinking has consequenses you start to assosiate everything you love your point of veiw things on earth buildings cityes nature and other humans and lesser beings by intelligence to be a part of some kind of unrealistic wich ill explain later but in your former way that used to be and you did feel and took for granted as you did not know anything else becouse that was your own feeling that you had from your life BUT later as you relise that dream idea has to produce in your mind somekind of feeling or dangerous thought and is to be a very dangerous set but your normal and stable kind of sense and feeling of world around did change and it depends to about everything you are and feel and its not good to change every feeling and thought in your mind by simply beliving everything you find appeling YOU ALLWAYS HAVE TO RESEARCH there is so many things about world that many dont know about and dont even try to belive does just cold or subconsiunce reading, shotgguning rainbow ruse, warm reading motherfunckin cold blooded bastards that steal money and leave you emotinaly stupid and suggestive to belive in superstition becouse they confused you to much and what not other consequenses WICH THEY DONT EVEN KNOW THE MAGNITUTE OF WHAT THEY DONE by that I mean tarot and other media that wants to be some kind of power hungry demigods not to mention SAI the list of unbelivebale things that you can belive is..this just go on and on there,s nothing that cant be said politely and with proper background it will AND it will garantied WORK not everybody knows brainwashing tehniqs and psihology and body language can be read and to know anything about inner self and how to control your thoughts and feelings and the book that i read is writen by a woman that DID study psyhology and can she O CAN SHE write about psyhological problems and then to unseenly integrate into normal text you just read that shit over and over and you remember it then you start to think about it and then emotions are born wich comes from thinking that kind of analogy or theme that souposedly happend and other godly advices.people you dont need to search moral, its in you you decide to change you dont need a meter stick your a measure and you are a your own will to change anything bad about your self to GOOD no earthly god or entity can erase your past feeling or bad thought or ANYTHING IN YOUR SELF you made your own shit for beliveing IN IT and for OPENING YOUR MIND TO MAKE FEELINGS ABOUT IT now clean it up..nobody gave me nothing in this life its just the way life is and that is full of rotten inner demons that im still trying to get rid of. Peace of mind by DANKO
Anonymous, at 18 September, 2013 17:31
BRILLIANT ARTICLE!!! It explains why these fools are so blinded by the child molestor. He is SO pathetic trying to be higher than GOD. You know the only other being who wishes to be above God is Satan. Open your eyes you! #EnoughSaid.
Anonymous, at 29 January, 2014 09:49
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