Sai Baba Black Magic Rape
From the Ahmedabad Newsline:
Vadodara, July 20: Two persons were caught red-handed and nabbed by the J P Road police on Thursday for raping an 18-year-old girl. The action came after the victim’s father reported to the police that the accused Mahesh Sonar, and his nephew Nilesh Khare, had been repeatedly raping his daughter for the last three years on the pretext of conducting black magic rituals.
The girl’s father Mahendra Patel, employed at a GIDC industrial unit as a machine operator, had told the police that three years ago, his daughter had gone to Mahendra Sonar’s jewellery shop on Old Padra Road to get a gold ring made. During the meeting, Sonar told the girl that there was an evil presence plaguing her family and that she needed to perform some rites to ward off this effect. Patel said that when the accused first came to his Punitnagar residence to perform the said rituals, they also claimed that there was some gold buried underneath the house and that their ‘rituals’ would help in unearthing it. Patel said, ‘‘My entire family was convinced that if the rites were performed correctly, our financial worries would be taken care of. While Nilesh would pretend to be possessed by Sai Baba and belt members of my family, Mahesh would take my daughter to a room and lock the door. He said that he and my daughter would count prayer beads inside.’’ This continued for three years.
On Thursday, the police arrived at Patel’s house and caught Mahesh and Nilesh in the act. ‘‘At the police station, the girl had stated that Mahesh would indulge in sexual intercourse without her consent. That amounts to rape, and thus we have framed rape charges against the two. Also, charges of wrongful confinement, voluntarily causing hurt and providing assistance in crime were framed against the two,’’ said J P Road police inspector P J Trivedi.
The police, however, are still to investigate further into the matter and find out why the victim’s family did not object to the untimely appearences of the two accused in their house during this entire period. It is also to be investigated why the victim had not spoken up for all these years. Talking to Newsline, Sonar, claimed that he was ‘supporting’ the victim’s father after the latter ran into high debts with some friends. ‘‘Even the girl had claimed to be in love with me. I have letters from her to prove my point. The girl’s father demanded more money from me, and when I refused, he framed me in this rape case,’’ alleged Sonar
Vadodara, July 20: Two persons were caught red-handed and nabbed by the J P Road police on Thursday for raping an 18-year-old girl. The action came after the victim’s father reported to the police that the accused Mahesh Sonar, and his nephew Nilesh Khare, had been repeatedly raping his daughter for the last three years on the pretext of conducting black magic rituals.
The girl’s father Mahendra Patel, employed at a GIDC industrial unit as a machine operator, had told the police that three years ago, his daughter had gone to Mahendra Sonar’s jewellery shop on Old Padra Road to get a gold ring made. During the meeting, Sonar told the girl that there was an evil presence plaguing her family and that she needed to perform some rites to ward off this effect. Patel said that when the accused first came to his Punitnagar residence to perform the said rituals, they also claimed that there was some gold buried underneath the house and that their ‘rituals’ would help in unearthing it. Patel said, ‘‘My entire family was convinced that if the rites were performed correctly, our financial worries would be taken care of. While Nilesh would pretend to be possessed by Sai Baba and belt members of my family, Mahesh would take my daughter to a room and lock the door. He said that he and my daughter would count prayer beads inside.’’ This continued for three years.
On Thursday, the police arrived at Patel’s house and caught Mahesh and Nilesh in the act. ‘‘At the police station, the girl had stated that Mahesh would indulge in sexual intercourse without her consent. That amounts to rape, and thus we have framed rape charges against the two. Also, charges of wrongful confinement, voluntarily causing hurt and providing assistance in crime were framed against the two,’’ said J P Road police inspector P J Trivedi.
The police, however, are still to investigate further into the matter and find out why the victim’s family did not object to the untimely appearences of the two accused in their house during this entire period. It is also to be investigated why the victim had not spoken up for all these years. Talking to Newsline, Sonar, claimed that he was ‘supporting’ the victim’s father after the latter ran into high debts with some friends. ‘‘Even the girl had claimed to be in love with me. I have letters from her to prove my point. The girl’s father demanded more money from me, and when I refused, he framed me in this rape case,’’ alleged Sonar
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Do not tarnish the image of a person (Sai Baba in this case) based on the deeds of some people who claim to follow him/ her. There might be thousands of stupid followers of Christ or Kali, and that does not say anything about both of them. Please Keep your blog critical but wise.
Anonymous, at 26 July, 2006 14:54
Sathya Sai Baba's image is even worse, because he is a homosexual pedophile! He sodomises his students and makes them perform blow job for him!
Anonymous, at 07 April, 2011 06:57
what the hell this sinner talks about. I know that very well as i associate students of swami very closely he never done unwholesome acts like that. what a sinner
SoulMateSammy, at 25 August, 2012 16:32
Satya sai is just a human.FOR GOD so LOVED THE WoRlD that he gave his only son JESUS CHRIST to die for us on the cross that who ever believes in him shall not parish but have evrlasting life.Did any of your babas said that "he loves you and and would die for".nope,but JESUs did cast all your worries in him and see his great peace acting upon you.AmEN.
Anonymous, at 20 January, 2014 16:11
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