The Most Unfulfilled Prophecy Of Them All
One characteristic of major religions is the element of prophecy, most of which contains themes of positivity (Golden Age) and negativity (dommsday) in their nature. As any serious student would know, the book of Revelations would know, that entire chapter of the Bible is a book ofprophecy. Some symbolic in nature, with a host of elaborate images that may be deliberately vague in order to hide the exact details. It is therefore no surprise that such texts gain a symbolic nature and are interpreted as such.
In my studies of other religions, I have discovered that the prophcies contained in scriptures of other religions (like Islam and Hinduism) are very deailed and full of specific information. For example, a typical prophecy in a Hindu scripture will state something along the lines of: "God will be born at this time, in such-and-such city, born as the song of Such-and-such, and this is what he will do." In some places such predicitions are limited to a verse or two whereas in other places they contain many details.
Early on in my spiritual quest I became convinced that for a major incarnation of God to appear, he would have to be extensively described in the scriptures. Apparently this was one of the die-hard signs of an avatar, to be predicted. I found out that this idea was shared by Christians too as I learnt when I read the book 'Unexpected Messiah', which dealt with all of the Messianic prophecies in the Old Testament and explained how they all fit Jesus Christ. It was a very interesting read and it solidified my conviction that prophecy of an avatar was a necessary item in order to prove the authenticity of them, as opposed to fake messiahs and gurus who claim to be incarnations of this, that and the other.
When I first learnt of Sai Baba (the first book I read was 'Holy Man and the Psychiatrist' by Sandweiss), I was amazed at the number of miracles that were reported; nonchalant materialisations, healings, dreams and visions, appearance in faraway places, even reports of ressurecting the dead. It was then obvious to me that if these reports were all true, then these things could not be categorised on the same level as the miracles possesed by blessed saints and that they were God-like in nature. Yet there was still a doubt in me; how could I be sure that this guy was God? Were there any prophecies around about him? Such prophecies would surely prove his authenticity as the great figure that he was being promoted as.
And so it came to be that on a visit to a Sai Centre, I picked up a back issue of a quarterly publication and, sure enough, the very first article was dedicated to prophecies of Sai Baba. And not vague ones either, really detailed ones! As far as I was concerned, I had found the "evidence" that SB was really who he claimed to be and it was at that moment that my faith solidified in him and I continued to worship him as God for the next 10 years or so.
Finding out about the authenticity of such prophecies was doubtless an earth-shattering experience. The relevant passage in Revelations 19 is a debated definition, but is still vague enough not to be considered a specific prophecy. Moreover, it is considered by many Hindus a beneficent occurrence of an 'interfaith' prediction of their own Kalki avatar. The prophecy that I had admired the most was the Islamic one. Much significant research has been made in this direction so I will not bother to recount that here except to say that the versions of the Islamic scriptures as presented in SB literature and the actual text of the relevant Islamic scriptures are extremely different indeed. Paul Holbach has done some excellent documentation in this regard. Whereas the SB-Islamic version fits SB to a tee, the actual Islamic text presents a very different description of their predicted messianic figure, known as the 'Mahdi' in their tradition.
There is much I can write on this subject and I will probably add to it on future occasions, but the important thing to remember is that to proclaim an avatar as 'authentic' one must refer to the scriptures, as they abound with such predictions. The Srimad-Bhagavatam, for instance, predicts the names of the Kings of Lord Rama's family line well into the age of Kali-yuga, which is quite impressive considering that Lord Rama lived in Treta-yuga (two yugas before Kali). The Bhavishya Purana is a well-known 'predictor' scripture as well as some sections of the Padma and Vishnu Puranas.
It turns out that SB's claims to avatarhood have no solid foundation at all. Considering how many avatars and events are predicted in the scriptures, it seems immensely puzzling why SB, supposedly the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, embodiment of every divine principle there is, is nowhere heard of in any scripture. Quaint indeed, but it's yet another sign why SB is not an avatar.
Copyright © Sai Baba EXPOSED! 2005-2007. Discuss this post!
In my studies of other religions, I have discovered that the prophcies contained in scriptures of other religions (like Islam and Hinduism) are very deailed and full of specific information. For example, a typical prophecy in a Hindu scripture will state something along the lines of: "God will be born at this time, in such-and-such city, born as the song of Such-and-such, and this is what he will do." In some places such predicitions are limited to a verse or two whereas in other places they contain many details.
Early on in my spiritual quest I became convinced that for a major incarnation of God to appear, he would have to be extensively described in the scriptures. Apparently this was one of the die-hard signs of an avatar, to be predicted. I found out that this idea was shared by Christians too as I learnt when I read the book 'Unexpected Messiah', which dealt with all of the Messianic prophecies in the Old Testament and explained how they all fit Jesus Christ. It was a very interesting read and it solidified my conviction that prophecy of an avatar was a necessary item in order to prove the authenticity of them, as opposed to fake messiahs and gurus who claim to be incarnations of this, that and the other.
When I first learnt of Sai Baba (the first book I read was 'Holy Man and the Psychiatrist' by Sandweiss), I was amazed at the number of miracles that were reported; nonchalant materialisations, healings, dreams and visions, appearance in faraway places, even reports of ressurecting the dead. It was then obvious to me that if these reports were all true, then these things could not be categorised on the same level as the miracles possesed by blessed saints and that they were God-like in nature. Yet there was still a doubt in me; how could I be sure that this guy was God? Were there any prophecies around about him? Such prophecies would surely prove his authenticity as the great figure that he was being promoted as.
And so it came to be that on a visit to a Sai Centre, I picked up a back issue of a quarterly publication and, sure enough, the very first article was dedicated to prophecies of Sai Baba. And not vague ones either, really detailed ones! As far as I was concerned, I had found the "evidence" that SB was really who he claimed to be and it was at that moment that my faith solidified in him and I continued to worship him as God for the next 10 years or so.
Finding out about the authenticity of such prophecies was doubtless an earth-shattering experience. The relevant passage in Revelations 19 is a debated definition, but is still vague enough not to be considered a specific prophecy. Moreover, it is considered by many Hindus a beneficent occurrence of an 'interfaith' prediction of their own Kalki avatar. The prophecy that I had admired the most was the Islamic one. Much significant research has been made in this direction so I will not bother to recount that here except to say that the versions of the Islamic scriptures as presented in SB literature and the actual text of the relevant Islamic scriptures are extremely different indeed. Paul Holbach has done some excellent documentation in this regard. Whereas the SB-Islamic version fits SB to a tee, the actual Islamic text presents a very different description of their predicted messianic figure, known as the 'Mahdi' in their tradition.
There is much I can write on this subject and I will probably add to it on future occasions, but the important thing to remember is that to proclaim an avatar as 'authentic' one must refer to the scriptures, as they abound with such predictions. The Srimad-Bhagavatam, for instance, predicts the names of the Kings of Lord Rama's family line well into the age of Kali-yuga, which is quite impressive considering that Lord Rama lived in Treta-yuga (two yugas before Kali). The Bhavishya Purana is a well-known 'predictor' scripture as well as some sections of the Padma and Vishnu Puranas.
It turns out that SB's claims to avatarhood have no solid foundation at all. Considering how many avatars and events are predicted in the scriptures, it seems immensely puzzling why SB, supposedly the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, embodiment of every divine principle there is, is nowhere heard of in any scripture. Quaint indeed, but it's yet another sign why SB is not an avatar.
Copyright © Sai Baba EXPOSED! 2005-2007. Discuss this post!
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This is an important testimony which explains a whole lot about how one gets caught by the whole Sai Baba deception. Scriptual research is almost totallt absent in Sai Baba circles becos they think he is the writers of all the scriptures. Talk about a con!
To back up this a lot, see the exposure of the alleged Muslim prediction text as presented in the Chaitanya Jyoti Museum as a faed translation! It is at
Anonymous, at 13 September, 2005 12:02
This is one of the most objective articles I have seen on this topic. Well done!
But I have my own questions. Why should the scriptures foretell the arrival of an avatar?
What special power do the scriptures have? Why people make the mistake of taking them literally?
Scriptures have been (and still are) tools of organized religion and organized religion is always devised to keep people on short leash instilling fear of God and prospect of heaven and hell. There are people who say Organized religion is a neurological disorder. Now, that can be considered as numerological disorder believing in avatars should be the worst kind of mental condition.
Just imagine this- 150 years from now, when SB's is long dead and gone. World is going through idealogical struggle (say,spirituality Vs materialism) and some people from SSO (sathya sai organization) start preaching ( or spreading the teachings of SB) something everybody agrees. And there is this powerful world leader (say head of European Union or President of the US) who for his political benefit embraces SB as the real avatar and condones SSO. What next? Sounds something you read in history books about the history of Christianity?
In next 1000 years if the conditions are right (like it was in 1st century AD) SB will replace Jesus and SSO will replace Vatican. Its not actually far fetched if you are a Sai Devotee and a Christian. Because all Jesus said was he was son of God and SB is the God himself (if you believe that). so there is no contradiction there. Once the Pope and other leaders are convinced of that and deal between SSO and the Vatican goes through, what you have is another powerful religion. As for as Islam is concerned its even easier.( Sorry brothers, I have to admit that if ever a religion made defined God in most meaningful and understandable sense, it must be Islam) Because all SSO has to do is refer SB's coming in Holy book and a new legal (valid) prophet is readily accepted. Teachings of budda and concept of reincarnations are all already all over SB's marketing strategy and Buddhists are easy customers. Hinduism? Don't even worry about it! As it has no single Book are single God, SB can be easily sold. But the hard nuts to crack will be Jews. They didn't buy Jesus so they will be mush harder. SSO will take care of them much later.
Now imagine the other possibility (which is more realistic). That SSB dies like any other human being (or dog for that matter) and SSO is proven just one more cult and 3 generations from now If your grandson comes know that you were a member of SSBC (Sathya Sai Baba Cult), How stupid he going to think you were.
Now, can we prevent this from happening? Yes and No. Yes if powerful people in the world are prevented from buying into it and No because its hard to cure so many people with that mental condition.
So the choice is yours. you have got make a decision whether SB's is cult leader or he is the God on earth (if you are lucky you will be proven right in 1000 years).
3 D, at 26 November, 2005 15:47
Hi Devaran,
thanks for the compliments. You make good points indeed. You asked:
>> But I have my own questions. Why should the scriptures foretell the arrival of an avatar?
What special power do the scriptures have? Why people make the mistake of taking them literally? <<
And other good points. In answer, I'd have to say that it is very reasonable to make a rational argument against the authority of scripture and to raise questions regarding it's authorship, it's internal consistency/veracity, it's exegesis and of course, the possibility of periodic interpolations.
However, for spiritual seekers who believe in the authority of it as "revealed scripture" and it's quality of 'apauruseya' (divine origin) it becomes reasonable for them to hold the position they do. Also, some scriptures out there in the Vedic tradition have made it theie business to be a "futuristic" purana and some of the predictions contained therein have come true.
Apart from all of that, it is well known that the different scriptures of all religions do predict a messianic figure and go into considerable detail in order to describe his characteristics. The fact that none of these characteristics fit Sai Baba despite his (and the Org's) claiming to be an Avatar says a lot about his own belief in the authority of the scriptures as well as his regard for them. :-)
Swami Saiexposedananda, at 27 November, 2005 04:40
so called self proclaimed prophet is actually an hard core tantrik..his hair style depicts an hyppi and is practicing black magic..thru this ancient balck magic he hypnotises people and produces objects from nowhere..actually more magic..his disciples get attracted as he help them thru materialistic world and physical problems by removing one dead sprit and planting more.his disciples may be well of but very evil in nature wherever they are.the old man may call him sai baba but he is deep inside an asaura called mahesasur who was earlier destroyed in a pitch battle with goddess durga yet was born again in kalki not as an kalkiavtra but as mahesasur asura to fight the transformation of man to satyuga..
if you dont belive look at his disiciples they are as evil as thay appear.he has his ashram in bangalore.indai.does lot of social service but by getting money from the rich people...may GOD and adishakti destroy his influence on good human beings..evil are most welcome to challange this note...adishakti is here on the earth and knows how to destroy this eevil..
the real sirdhi sai baba is GOD Sent prophet and this sai baba is satan sent ..this is the simple difference...
Anonymous, at 08 July, 2006 08:18
so called self proclaimed prophet is actually an hard core tantrik..his hair style depicts an hyppi and is practicing black magic..thru this ancient balck magic he hypnotises people and produces objects from nowhere..actually more magic..his disciples get attracted as he help them thru materialistic world and physical problems by removing one dead sprit and planting more.his disciples may be well of but very evil in nature wherever they are.the old man may call him sai baba but he is deep inside an asaura called mahesasur who was earlier destroyed in a pitch battle with goddess durga yet was born again in kalki not as an kalkiavtra but as mahesasur asura to fight the transformation of man to satyuga..
if you dont belive look at his disiciples they are as evil as thay appear.he has his ashram in bangalore.indai.does lot of social service but by getting money from the rich people...may GOD and adishakti destroy his influence on good human beings..evil are most welcome to challange this note...adishakti is here on the earth and knows how to destroy this eevil..
the real sirdhi sai baba is GOD Sent prophet and this sai baba is satan sent ..this is the simple difference...
Anonymous, at 08 July, 2006 08:21
If one has believed a person as an Avathar for 10 years and wants to refute his own belief because the scriptures do not speak of an Avatar, there is no credibility is what we speak.
Anonymous, at 12 November, 2006 13:08
More likely there is no credibility in Sai Baba, who approves of articles/books that claim his advent in ancient prophecies and runs away when people discover that such prophecies do not exist.
Hence he is not an Avatar.
Swami Saiexposedananda, at 17 November, 2006 05:14
An AVATAR and "GOD" is supposed to be two different things....
An "avatar" or prophet is not GOD himself, but a messenger...~
Anonymous, at 27 March, 2009 01:36
"Messenger" isn't the correct definition of the term Avatar.
Swami Saiexposedananda, at 30 March, 2009 22:47
if some one who speaks of love & peace, how can he be bad. if you are not from the east ( india ) stay in your own country & keep your comments to your selves. white people conquered & corrupted most parts of the world & broke the trust & beliefs of its people, look at great britain, you practically went all over the world & raped woman,killed men,stole land,& did far worse things. look at your selves before judging others. as for my indian brothers, be it muslim,indian in any part of the world, dont let these non believers mess up your minds. we are cultured people who respect all religions.this goes to the person who is controlling this blog, put down what i have to say, if you dont that shows that you are a ASURA BORN IN HUMAN FORM.
Anonymous, at 19 April, 2012 19:09
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